Zimbru Blonde

Zimbru Blonde


Brewed by Albrau S.A.
Style: Euro Pale Lager
Onești, Romania

Starting in 1992, Albrau Onesti took control of the Zimbru brewery, which had been around since 1845, developing and expanding on what came before. 

Zimbru BlondeIt was in 1845 when it all started, a German living in Romania at the time, Johan Zweck opened a brewery. During this period it took the name of “Zimbru”.

The pure mountain waters of the Uz Valley are used in the brewing process, while the malts are a mix of local and imported. 

Implementing German technology and manufacturing processes, the brewery produce and sell beer pasteurized, bottled in 0.5 liter bottles, cans, 30 and 50 liter keg barrel and PET bottles, exporting to Greece, Turkey, Russia, France and Austria.

Review: 0,5.l green can of Zimbru Bere Blonde: 4% vol.

My first Romanian beer, bought on my holidays in Greece!

Interesting can to look at, has a rather cool logo of a bull. Hope its more about strength and power than bullshit

Zimbru BlondeOn pour I get a golden colour with a very disappointing small white head, that goes flat very, very quick. Doesn’t look great at all, not a whole lot to see or admire.

Light smells of faint pale malts. Not much else. Inoffensive. 

On the taste I found it all rather sweet and a bit fruity, an apple? The fruity taste was one I was not expecting at all. Otherwise, of light malts and a beer with low bitterness.

It is not bad at all to drink, definitely does the business for sure, it is very smooth and very easy to drink but, alas, hasn’t a huge array of specific tastes or flavours and tends to side into the category of another bog standard boring lager, unfortunately.

Overall, it is good enough to enjoy, a light tasting and pleasant enough beer, but nothing to set the heart racing! Would do to quench the thirst on a hot day. 

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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