Wulle Biere Vollbier Hell

Wulle Biere Vollbier Hell

Wulle Biere Vollbier Hell


Brewed by Dinkelacker-Schwaben Bräu
Style: Helles
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The name comes from Ernst Imanuel Wulle, who after an apprenticeship as a brewer in Stuttgart, decided to go it alone and open up his own enterprise, in 1832. Albeit his good wife, Wilhelmine, who came from a very wealthy background, also had a helping hand. 

Wulle Biere Vollbier HellOver time the brewery has changed ownership, and in 1994, saw a coming together of two old Stuttgart breweries, the Dinkelacker Brewery and Schwaben Brau resulting in The Dinkelacker-Schwaben Brau GmbH & Co. KG been formed.

A brief stint with beer giants InBev taking over in 2004 ended in 2007 when the company returned to its status as an independent family-owned company.

Dinkelacker-Schwaben Brau produce numerous beer brands all over Germany with considerable success, multi million sales an average every year.

Review: 0.5l nice red can of Wulle Biere Vollbier Hell: 5% vol.

Wulle Biere Vollbier HellOn the can get a nice logo of the brewery, the Wulle Biere in distinctive red, easy to spot. 

On pour it looks nice, getting a good white frothy head, with a lovely clear and clean golden yellow coloured beer. Not a bad looking beer for sure.

Not much of a smell from the beer at all, pretty odourless, get a slight whiff of sweet malts and that’s about it. Disappointing.

Poured cold from the fridge.

On the taste, got some lovely big mouthfuls that were oh so tasty and full of sweet malts. 

Wulle Biere Vollbier HellA very smooth beer to drink and you get a lot in the can so plenty to enjoy.

This is really a great drink served cold. Lovely. A really good lager that was so gentle with my taste buds, crisp and refreshing. Liked it a lot. High drinkablity.  

Getting the light malts, the barley, grains, all well balanced, a light beer that is very crisp and clean, light bitterness, and very easy to enjoy. 

An easy drinking beer that is not pretentious and gets the simple things right, and a beer that put me in a great mood. I will drink to that. Recommended, a perfect session beer!

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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