Vergina Lager Beer, Macedonian beer.

Vergina Lager Beer, Macedonian beer.

Vergina (ΒΕΡΓΙΝΑ)

Brewed by Macedonian Thrace Brewery 
Style: Euro Pale Lager
Komotini, Greece

Vergina, as I am sure all you history buffs have spotted, is the ancient capital of Macedonia, and where Alexander The Great was proclaimed King.

Vergina Lager Beer, Macedonian beer.Like Alexander, the beer has had to fight and battle its way to the top. Unbelievably by the mid 1990’s a nation as old and great as Greece didn’t even have one 100% authentically Greek owned beer that was produced in the country!!

Step forward a Mr. Politopoulos who had a dream and ambition to rectify this, quite frankly embarrassing situation and, with the help of his brother and father, a brewery was set up. The very first bottles of “Vergina” went on sale in 1998, to a market that was 90% dominated by Heineken conglomerates crowding out the competition, sometimes illegally. A tough battle for the new brewery in a country with notorious corruption and anti competitive practices. 

But, like Alex the great, the brewery have battled hard, and inroads they have made, as they now have roughly a 6% of the Greek market, behind only Heineken and Carlsberg, and are expanding all the time. They now also produce a host of other beers, from a “Vergina Red”, to their own version of a Weiss, to a host of seasonal and specialty beers, while all the time expanding to newer markets such as to New York and Australia. 

Review: 500ml can of Beptina Lager Beer: 5% vol.

Vergina Lager Beer, Macedonian beer.On pour we get a light yellow coloured beer with a small white head.  

Head maintains a little, and there is some lacing present.

Overall its an ok looking beer, not bad.

Aroma is one of light malts, some barley, not strong on the nose. 

First impression on the taste is positive. Lovely crisp initial mouthfeel and taste. Nice and cool straight from the fridge, very crisp, nice light lager tastes, very smooth and with mild bitterness.

Vergina Lager Beer, Macedonian beer.Very malty for sure. Also getting the fresh grains and some fruit. 

Ok, overall it is a bit of a light beer to chug with not much depth to it. No need to think too deeply about this beer.

Goes down easy, with a light finish. Taste is pure grounded malt, Not bad, refreshing with a very lagery taste, does the business as I watch the sun go down on a lovely Corfu beach side setting. Keeping it simple sometimes works.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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