Here is the challenge
Following on from the Ireland County Top Challenge, the challenge here is to climb to the highest point in all of the 26 cantons of Switzerland. The cantons of Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden share a peak so this means climbing to 25 points.
The highest peak is Dufourspitze (Monte Rosa) at a mouthwatering 4,634 m, in the canton of Valais, while the lowest is in the beautiful city-canton of Geneva, Les Arales standing at 516 m.
Since I spend considerable time in both Ireland and in Switzerland, I decided I might as well try the Swiss version of the county top challenge. Now I full expect this one to be much, much harder……..and a few of the peaks are a serious challenge, requiring crampons and rope skills, but I said “Feck it”, lets do it.
The physical side is not an issue for me, I just get on with it and I am well used to long runs and walks, and I do have a bit of a head for heights (I think!). No, what I will find daunting is the actual routes to the tops and trying my best not to get lost. You see, its not like Ireland and its small “hills”, a straight up and down, in Switzerland, you sometimes have to get to a mountain to get to another mountain…. you might have to climb up a few mountains to achieve the canton peak! Added to this is that the the top 11 have no set marked route or sign posts, you just have to figure it out yourself! And I seriously worry about getting lost and climbing the wrong mountain, or worse…… walking off a cliff edge! Which would be typical of me!
I also have virtually no experience using crampons and ropes. This is something I will have to learn later in the challenge. Added to this is the fact I haven’t really climbed anything over 1500.m, which is a bit of a problem! How will I adapt to the higher peaks? Will the snow be a major issue?
For this reason I hope to do a lot of the smaller ones quickly and at the start of the challenge and around Autumn/Spring and the odd one in winter. For the higher peaks its best to try them during the Summer where the weather will be less chaotic, and less snow around. Even though some of the peaks have year round snow!
But lets look at the positives…..I hope to be introduced to some of the lesser known cantons of Switzerland. For sure we all have heard about about Geneva, Zurich and Basel but what about some of the tiny cantons that no one really knows anything about? It will be a great way to explore the Swiss countryside in all its splendor and glory.
Also its a challenge and a good test. And good for my fitness. but more importantly great for the health of my body and mind…..nothing as refreshing gazing out at the world below from a nice height in the fresh air. Cant beat it!
Either way I will go up those damn mountains by hook or by crook! Game on!
These are the 26 canton peaks in Switzerland
List of Swiss cantons by elevation
Rank | Canton | Highest point | Highest elevation |
1 | Valais | Dufourspitze (Monte Rosa) | 4,634 m (15,203 ft) |
2 | Berne | Finsteraarhorn | 4,274 m (14,022 ft) |
3 | Graubünden | Piz Bernina | 4,049 m (13,284 ft) |
4 | Uri | Dammastock | 3,630 m (11,909 ft) |
5 | Glarus | Tödi | 3,614 m (11,857 ft) |
6 | Ticino | Rheinwaldhorn | 3,402 m (11,161 ft) |
7 | St. Gallen | Ringelspitz | 3,248 m (10,656 ft) |
8 | Obwalden | Titlis | 3,238 m (10,623 ft) |
9 | Vaud | Diablerets | 3,210 m (10,531 ft) |
10 | Nidwalden | Rotstöckli | 2,901 m (9,518 ft) |
11 | Schwyz | Bös Fulen | 2,802 m (9,193 ft) |
12 | Appenzell Ausserrhoden | Säntis | 2,502 m (8,209 ft) |
12 | Appenzell Innerrhoden | Säntis | 2,502 m (8,209 ft) |
14 | Fribourg | Vanil Noir | 2,389 m (7,838 ft) |
15 | Lucerne | Brienzer Rothorn | 2,350 m (7,710 ft) |
16 | Zug | Wildspitz | 1,580 m (5,184 ft) |
17 | Neuchâtel | Chasseral Ouest | 1,552 m (5,092 ft) |
18 | Solothurn | Hasenmatt | 1,445 m (4,741 ft) |
19 | Jura | Mont Raimeux | 1,302 m (4,272 ft) |
20 | Zurich | Schnebelhorn | 1,292 m (4,239 ft) |
21 | Basel-Landschaft | Hinteri Egg | 1,169 m (3,835 ft) |
22 | Thurgau | Hohgrat (Groot) | 991 m (3,251 ft) |
23 | Schaffhausen | Hagen (Randen) | 912 m (2,992 ft) |
24 | Aargau | Geissfluegrat | 908 m (2,979 ft) |
25 | Basel-Stadt | St. Chrischona | 522 m (1,713 ft) |
26 | Geneva | Les Arales | 516 m (1,693 ft) |
Cantons in red completed
1: Hinteri Egg: Basel-Landschaft
Hinteri Egg, 1169 metres, 3835 feet
First one off the blocks, not too far from where I stay in Switzerland…………met up with a nice Swiss lad who showed me a good route to the top and when we had a break was kind enough to explain the canton history of Switzerland to me.
Route at 1,169 m, wasnt too bad, manageable in the nice sunny day we had.
Get to Reigoldswil, then start walking, up and up and up…….or take the cable car!
If walking can take a few different routes to the Wasserfallen cable car station at top. A restaurant is there (take out due to Covid), toilets, chance to get a scooter to get back down……
So yes we took the walking route, through the trees and wooded area, past small, very small waterfalls and trickles of water coming downhill, wooden steps some of the way to the top. A nice walk, a little steep and not easy, but was enjoyable all the same.
After getting to the station, to get to the peak, Hinteri Egg, there is more walking to be done. Again up through a wooded area, which this time was slightly difficult as it was zig zagging all over the place. But once at the top, the views are excellent.
The actual peak is marked.
Overall a very enjoyable peak to “hike”. Definitely enjoyed the cold beer I had at the bottom though! One down……….
2: St. Chrischona: Basel-Stadt
St. Chrischona, 522 metres, 1713 feet
Doing the Swiss Canton Top Challenge, this was the second canton peak chalked off.
The Church is bang spot down on the highest point in the canton of Basel Stadt.
Took a long, very long, walk from the centre of Basel through the small town of Bettingen right up to the Church. Nice views from the top, and also a nice walk in the woodland to see the TV Tower.
A nice day out on a lovely day.
3: Geissfluegrat: Aargau
Geissfluegrat 908 m (2,979 ft)
From the nice town of Aarau right to the top of the Aargau Canton peak of Geissfluegrat, standing at 908 metres. Wasn’t the hardest trek up, but under the sun, 27 degrees Centigrade, and the long walk from the town, was not the most pleasant.
Also I took the most direct route, beside the road for a bit of it and through a small village (Erlinsbach), which was a bit annoying with the noise of the traffic, and it took me about 20 minutes to find the actual Canton peak while at the top, did eventually. Four hours, in between all the photo stops and drink breaks!
Now I have three canton tops under my belt. Onward and upwards…..
4: Hasenmatt: Solothurn
Hasenmatt 1,445 m (4,741 ft)
Another Canton Peak down last weekend, this time the Hasenmatt at 1,445 m, the highest mountain Solothurn.
Back in the Jura, this time from a different angle, did a wide 6 hour plus circle starting and ending with Solothurn, from Ruttenen, Weberhusli, Weissenstein, to the top (Hasenmatt) then Schauenburg, Im Holz and Bellach back down. Or that was the plan. Didn’t quite get to Weberhusli, or later Bellach, and went back to Solothurn via the Lommiswil/Lagendorf direction.
Arrived early, before ten, and the morning was sunny and bright, so hot that I was wondering perhaps I had overdressed! Spent an hour walking around the beautiful town of Solothurn, with its very impressive Cathedral.
By the time I had arrived at Weissenstein, it was raining heavily, and it stayed that way for the rest of the day. I got drenched, and the direct hike to the Hasenmatt was very difficult under the slippy mud and wet rocks. I nearly fell on a few occasions but still 100% no falls on any of my climbs yet! ha ha.
There was a bit of everything on my trip….. lovely farming scenery, nice walks through the forests, the Jura mountains with its stunning views, steep cliff hiking, sun and the rain, and finished up with a local beer, “Oufi”, which wasn’t great at all unfortunately.
The trip was long, and my legs were well tired by the end of it. Wet and cold back home I was wondering if this is something that I actually enjoy doing. Reflecting later, Yes it is…… and its good training for the legs and stamina once I hit some of the 2000 plus peaks…. bring it on.
5: Mont Raimeux: Jura
Mont Raimeux 1,302 m (4,272 ft)
Last weekend did the Jura Canton Highest peak, Mont Raimeux, 1,302 m. Took a 5 hour and a bit route starting and ending from the small town of Moutier, in the direction of Raimeux de Belprahon, to the peak, Mont Raimeux, then down to Le Petit Pre, through the woods, and right around to the town of Corcelles and back to Moutier.
Was a lovely day, hottest yet I think, but lucky enough most of the route was either under the cover of trees or a strong cool breeze was in my direction (cold winds from the Alps?), which was well refreshing.
Arriving early by train at Moutier, had a quick wander around the small town, and by 10 I was ready to start the hike. The trail to the peak was very easy to do, round and round a forest trail going up and up to the first port of call. Raimeux de Belprahon, after that through very scenic farming land in the presence of cows with their bells (does it not drive the cows mad?), eventually arriving at the top, where there was a bit of activity, with people chilling out, having lunch, and enjoying the views from the peak.
You can see the snow covered Alps far off in the distance, and if you have a head for heights can climb the observation tower to get a really great overview of the Jura.
The trek down to Le Petit Pre was the clear highlight for me. A quiet track with views of the Jura on one side, through the forest and occasionally having to go through some more fields with cows a grazing.
It was so refreshing that I stopped more than once to take it all in. I could have returned to Moutier much, much quicker, but what’s the hurry when one can have a lie down, drink a lager in a field under a tree in the midday sun, and let the world go by. Who needs a beach holiday, when you have the Jura! Bliss, was in the zone, ha!
But the negative, and there is always a negative, was that the last hour back to Moutier, via Corcelles, was directly under the sun, at its hottest, with no shade. That was a hard walk back to town, lovely views but hard all the same. Especially for the pale skinned Irish lad!
Had a sit down beer and chips in a small restaurant, was a good stop on the way to Moutier. Amazing how tasty a cold beer and chips with ketchup can taste when one is tired. Its the simple things…..
Anyway another peak off my list. 5 down now. Eager to up it to the 2000 metre ones now, but the football will be on soon (Euro Champs) so I am not sure how that will work out………
Would say this peak was easily my favourite so far…….
6: Hagen (Randen): Schaffhausen
Hagen (Randen) 912 m (2,992 ft)
Hi all. So as stated I did the Canton Peak of Schaffhausen last Sunday, getting up the Hagen at 912 metres and its Hagenturm 60 metre viewing tower.
I originally had big ambitions for the day, hoping to see a whole host of things from the towns of Busingen and Stein am Rhein to going round the Rheinfalls, but of course things didn’t pan out as hoped, as they do!
I got a little lost near the top, and struggled for a bit to find the right route to the actual peak. I was close but just couldn’t get the exact pathway. I did eventually with the help of some people working in a nearby chalet that was serving hot food and refreshments.
I promised I would return once I hit the peak and I did, happily spending an hour in great company over some nice spaghetti and strong cider.
So when I returned to Schaffhausen, with two hours behind my target time, and with the heavy rain, and long wait for a bus to Busingen, I decided to cut my losses and return home early. I did get to the see the Rheinfall from the window of the train home!
As for the route to the top. I arrived in the town of Schaffhausen early and after my usual hour wandering around the town, I started out walking beside a wide and easy pathway near the highway to the small town of Merishausen. From there I went to the church and from here you can get a route near the peak which takes you through some farmland onto a small very quite road, and then up to some smaller dirt roads leading to a wooded area from where you can find the peak. Near the end of the hike it started to rain quite heavily, which was a little annoying.
I got lost as it was raining heavy and missed the top of the tower from the distance the first time round as I simply couldn’t see its top with all the rain and mist. But put right, it was actually quite easy to find in the end. The views from the top of the tower are nice, even on such a misty day.
The Canton Peak marker, on the other hand, wasn’t so easy to find. Its actually a short walk from the tower, adjacent to the cabin, through a small path, to the long grass, and from there you can see the marker hidden between two bushes, I kid you not. At least it was from my angle.
For most of the route I didn’t meet even one hiker, but sure enough once I got to the peak, hikers started appearing out of nowhere. So much so that when I got to the tower, there was about 10 to 15 people milling about. There are always people in them hills, somewhere!!
Overall was enjoyable right up to the point I got lost and it started to rain heavily, both at the same time! My luck!
Anyway, another high point down, that’s 6 for me now…… but with the footy starting tonight and the games coming thick and fast over the next few days and weeks I will be taking a break from the hiking and will return in July. Football is my first love after all!!
Cheerio for a while………
7/8: Säntis: Appenzell Ausserrhoden/Innerrhoden
Säntis 2,502 m (8,209 ft)
Santis last September in the rain, managed four “peaks” (Alp Bommen, Ebenalp, Ohrli, and of course the big one Santis).
Started late, very late, didn’t arrive at Wasserauen until 12.00, which was a bit mad, and despite meeting many on the long route who told me to turn around……..I eventually got the peak of Santis late in the evening, around 7, in the rain and the cold, but another canton peak gone off the list.
Actually counts as two canton peaks as Santis at 2,502 m is the top of both Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden.
I managed to find a guesthouse on my way down, and got the cable down and returned to Basel in the morning after, tired but happy with my achievement.
Would not say it was enjoyable and it was a pretty a hard trek, but some of the views were stunning. Also seen the famous guesthouse at side of mountain, Church in mountain, the caves and all the rest. I will try to do the route again sometime in the future, earlier and on a dryer day, as its a great trek with stunning views.
9: Hohgrat (Groot): Thurgau
Hohgrat (Groot) 991 m (3,251 ft)
In early January, 2022, I managed to get another Swiss Canton peak under my belt.This time to the canton of Thurgau, and its peak of Hohgrat at about 991 m (3,251 ft).
Arriving good and early in the small town of Sirnach, after a wander around the nice little town I set out for my long walk to the peak……
First stop of importance was to be the old Abbey of Fischingen…….very quiet and not a soul around, free to wander in to the Church and be amazed at the artwork and beauty of the fresco’s, lovely…….
After spending some time wandering round the Abbey, I took the route towards Ottenegg Forest. A magical forest that includes a cute tiny chapel, and just a little further on a striking statute of St. Mary, high above in the clouds looking down on everything and everyone. The views from the little hill/small mountain were great, looking back on the route you took from the town….(I think!)
Once you leave the forest and ridge you walk through some farm land and pass fields till you come to an opening into another forest which brings you right up, zig and zag, and zig and zag, and again a million times right to the peak of the canton…..Hohgrat (Groot) at 991 m (3,251 ft) tall. Not so difficult to get to, and with a very enjoyable walk in the early Sunday morning which was surprisingly (for that time of the year) free of rain and snow… very nice.
The sights you can get from the peak are great, you can see the dictatorship of Austria far off in the distance, and Santis closer to home. Sitting down for a rest, with my refreshments, was majestic……its why i love hiking….the views, the views!!!!
Took a different route back down via Hohlenstein and Allenwind, a lot of it on or pass farm land, and also some of it hugging the road, but with plenty of space for walking……………..was ok…..nice and all, and you do eventually return to the Abbey…….where the brewery was attached, but unfortunately closed (and how I cried!!). Not sure of buses back to Sirnach, made me decide to hike the last hour back to the town, retracing my steps from early in the morning……..and of course, it was the last hour that killed me…….so tired!
So all in all a big loop up and around the mountain and back down again, took me about 6.5 to 7 hours, was tiring, but a trip I enjoyed…….a very quiet route and if you go when the weather is fresh and crisp, with the sun just coming up early in the morning………..magical….
10: Schnebelhorn: Zurich
Schnebelhorn 1,292 m (4,239 ft)
Switzerland Canton High Points Zurich: Schnebelhorn, 1,292 metres, 4,239 feet
Visited April 2022
Number 10 on my Swiss canton peaks list, the canton of Zurich, done last April, but just finished editing photos etc now. Took in a football game as well.
Started at in the small village of Steg, then straight upto Schnebelhorn, not a hard hike to the top, but was very misty and cold, and when at peak didn’t hang around too long as it was very windy and could see nothing.
Coming down the weather got better, and by the time I arrived in Winterthur for the football it was a lovely day.
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