Swino, the beer swilling pig from Australia

Hell Raiser *6 “Swino”


One of Australia’s more recent anti-hero’s, a drinking legend and boozed up fighting machine, I introduce “Swino” the feral pig.

A short life he had, Swino made headlines, both at home and all across the world, when he went on a drunken rampage after stealing alcohol. Downing eighteen cans of extra strong beer in no time, starting a fight with an innocent poor cow and then going on the tear in a campsite in Western Australia the feral pig was a naughty little piggy. 

Not noted for his drinking prowess, the beer swilling pig lost control of himself, and when the hunger got to much for him he simply didn’t know what to do, so he trashed the nearby camp site. Then he recklessly went for a midnight swim in the middle of the river, as you do, before ultimately crumpling unconscious underneath a log. 

Unfortunately our story has a sad ending, as our great hero died in a tragic traffic accident a few weeks after, hit by a truck while trying to cross the highway. It is not clear if Swino had also been drinking at this time, probably. 

Just so you don’t think I made it up, here is the ABC news link to this story!
Beer-stealing feral pig, nicknamed Swino, dies in car accident


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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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