Soo. Soors Beer

Soo. Soors Beer

Soo. Soors Beer

Brewed by Soorser Bier AG
Sursee, Switzerland


Soorser Bier is an award winning regional brewery from Sursee, in central Switzerland. The small and young brewery is new and innovative, and offers beer lovers the golden chance to directly invest in the company via a share issue option. 

But what about the name? Soo. Soors Beer? WTF? But then you realise that the beer is actually from Sursee so it all makes perfect sense, and in actual fact is kind of clever really. It makes even more sense when you learn that the story goes that three men were mulling over a few beers and kind of depressed that they couldn’t drink a local beer from their home town, only sip generic large multinational beers and nothing from Sursee. And like all good beer chat their minds began to wander and definite plans were made to rectify this terrible anomaly by starting their own brewery in the town. Even after all that pub-talk, the idea began to take hold and more concrete plans were put into action. They had serious discussions with beer drinkers, with people in the business, publicans and restaurateurs. A serious business plan was drawn up. And again they sat together over a beer and a eureka moment came: “Soorser beer, we want that!”

On March 12, 2015, Herbert Blum, Alexander Oleschinsky and Karin Wagemann founded Soorser Bier AG with a share capital of CHF 100,000. Over time came more funding and more expertise, and they also offered beer lovers the opportunity to become part of the Soors beer history, ala Brewdog, offering shares to the public. Fortunately for them, the share capital was oversubscribed by 80,000 francs. 390 shareholders, most of them from Sursee, got on board, and the beer chat turned into something real. The brewery was set up and a master brewer with many years experience was hired. On April 22, 2016, less than a year after the founding of Soorser Bier AG, the first brew was prepared from the plant. 

If that wasn’t a great success already, in no time at all the brewery won “Switzerland’s Best Golden Ale 2016”, in the World Beer Awards, two years in succession. Just goes to show that with a little bit of effort and a lot of passion and guile dreams can be made, even if they are liquid influenced and a bit hazy to begin with! What a great story!

Review: 33cl. Bottle of Soo bier, Soo. echt, a golden ale: 5% ABV

On the bottle I can see that this beer is “handcrafted and brewed with love in Sursee”. Soo. Echet in my bad German I think means “So Real”

Apparently this beer won a World Beer Awards in 2016 as “Switzerland’s Best Golden Ale!”, I dont know what the competition was like but lets see if it stands up to its lofty reputation! 

On pour I get a very well carbonated beer that produces a big frothy white head and a cloudy looking, golden yellowish beer.

Found the smell to be quite interesting, very piercing on the nose, very citrusy, malty and yeasty. Smell definitely gets the senses aroused. 

On taste I get a very sweet tasting beer, very sweet. The malts and fruits hitting the senses early on. 

More heading towards the lager side of a Golden ale than the ale side.

Is smooth enough to drink, goes down ok with some light flavours and a good balance between the hops and the malts.  

Not going to blow your mind, but does the business perfectly, which is to enjoy the football with a nice refreshing beer at hand.

Review: 33cl. Bottle of Soo bier, Soo. happy, a German style Hefeweizen: 4.8% ABV

A happy go lucky beer that is meant to bring joy to your heart, hmm……ok, lets see! 

On the appearance we get a nice golden orange coloured beer with a lovely frothy white head. Good bit of carbonation.

Looks lovely, and the head maintains throughout.

A very strong aroma, of the fruits, the banana very strong on the nose. Cloves, citrus, and malts found too.

For the taste it is quite powerful with the hops explosive! Very hoppy, very fruity, and a very strong beer in the taste (and smell).

Banana, the cloves, the wheat, and the yeast are the main attractions in this beer. The fruits are so expressive in this beer its like a fruit juice with hops added in! I am sure I got my five a day drinking this baby!!

Is nice cold from the fridge, refreshing and crisp, after a while the initial shock of all the hops and fruits become very manageable that by the end you are fully revitalized.

A very tasty and full bodied beer, and if you are a fan of strong Hefeweizen’s then this beer is right up your street. 

Review: 33cl. Bottle of Soo bier, Magisch, a session IPA: 3.8% ABV

Magisch meaning this beer is full of “magic”, but lets see, right?

It is a session IPA which means it should be smooth and easy to digest with less malt than a regular IPA, and less ABV but with a more mouthy flavorable feel. 

Was quite carbonated in the pour, resulting in a very large frothy white head, a lot of foam.

Had a nice dark hazy orange colour.

Some lacing left on the glass. Head maintains throughout. 

Nice smell, a fruity aroma. Also get the light hops on the nose, a pleasant aroma. 

Got the hops at the start, light but there to awaken your taste buds. A very pronounced bitterness for sure. After a few more sips the hops settle down and the drink becomes more fuller on the tongue. 

Getting nice big creamy mouthfuls, nice and filling. 

Definitely very sessionable, as it says on the tin. As low alcohol session beers this one worked fine. 

I like it, very smooth, very easy to drink, nice fruity flavours and tastes, light bitterness, soft and crisp, and a very nice beer overall. 

Not a bad session beer at all here from Soo. Soors Beer. 

Review: 33cl. Bottle of Soo Deheime, a Swiss ale: 4.5% ABV

Barely from the local area with water from Sursee.

A nice hoppy aroma, light smelling, and also cereals and breaded notes are found on the nose.  

Looks nice on pour, a lovely light yellow colour with a good sized white frothy head. Looks good, very inviting. Some good carbonation going on, bubbling away. A hazy look appears after a while.  
Head maintains well enough. A nice looking beer.

For the taste, lovely cold from the fridge resulting in nice big mouthfuls, it is extremely smooth and very easy to drink. Its nice and crisp on the tongue and very refreshing. Nice.

Yeah, a good light ale, very smooth, only slightly hoppy, but very crisp and relaxing, a good beer, I like it.

Not the widest array of flavours or standout tastes, but its very relaxing to drink and a good enjoyable beer to while away the time. 
A bit of a taste of the barley, with the light hoppy taste, with a pleasant bitterness. 

Liked it, nothing extraordinary, but very, very smooth.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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