North n South American Beer

Skol, A Brazilian Lager



Brewed by InBev Brasil

Style: Pale Lager

São Paulo (SP), Brazil

Brazil’s favourite beer, Skol, can be seen everywhere in the country; on the beaches, in the street bars, on billboards plastered around the cities, the popular beer is all around.

Funnily enough, though, the famous Brazilian beer Skol’s origins aren’t found in Brazil, or anywhere near it. Sol has traveled a long way. Skol’s roots are in the UK (Burton, Leeds and Birmingham). Its a pretty long story that I am not going to bore you with here, but the beer has gone through many mergers and company takeovers, and due to mass branding has ended up as a Brazilian beer, where it found immediate popularity and success firmly securing its place in Brazil as one of the country’s famous lagers.

The name skol derives from the Scandinavian word skål, meaning cheers

Review: Bottle of Skol lager  4.7% ABV

A crystal clear crisp pilsner.  No real bite or kick to it, but went down very easily, lovely to drink actually. Nice taste, not bitter.

A lovely looking beer, a light golden color with a small head with moderate lacing.

Key characteristic is that it had a very lovely aroma. Aromas of sweet corn, grains and hay.

One negative is that there is not much bang for your buck. Small bottles, dont last too long in my house, especially since Skol is so easy to drink.

Overall a good beer, and nice for a hot day, drinking to relax.

Skol, A Brazilian Lager

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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