Sant Patern
Brewed by Britt (Brasserie de Bretagne)
Style: Amber beer
Trégunc, France
This is my second beer reviewed from the Breton brewery Britt (Brasserie de Bretagne), formerly of The Brasserie du Trégor, who merged with Britt in 2010.
I had previously reviewed their Blonde, Barbe Torte, which I found to be not a bad beer.
Sant Patern was retired, but it now has been given a new lease of life and you can find the new version of the beers stocked in Lidl.
The beer honours one of the Breton saints, Saint Patern, who was the first bishop sent to the diocese of Vannes, a small city in the west of Brittany, in the 5’th century.
The brewery, it seems to me at least, can be known as Britt or the Brasserie de Bretagne (Brewery of Breton), was founded in 1988 and produces about fifteen different types of beer all catering for the upturn in demand for quality beer in France.
Brittany, of course, is the Celtic part of France, situated in the North West of the country.
Review: 33cl Bottle of Sant Patern Bière dorée (Golden Beer): ABV: 7%
Coming in a relatively boring looking bottle that doesn’t stand out.
On pour get a nice clear orange colour emerging that turns hazy amber after a while. Has a big head from the pour with a huge amount of carbonation, which is very strong, bubbling along.
A pretty decent head, that maintains and settles down nicely. Looks a pretty good beer,nothing wrong with the appearance.
Had also a very nice aroma, can pick up on the yeast, and the fruits (lemon and banana).
Lot of taste, not bad, can get some fruit…..bananas
Very smooth to drink.
I am very surprised with this beer, as I had it in the house a long time and thought it might depreciate in taste and quality, but no, it is very good, very drinkable and quite fantastic really!
Delicious. Malt in the background hitting all the right spots.
Hops not apparent
Overall I liked this a lot, and I recommend it to try. Definitely did the business for me, and after a hard day at work this was exactly what I needed……a nice refreshing beer to relax and enjoy.
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