Quilmes Export Beer, Argentina’s Light Blue and White.


Quilmes Export Beer


Brewed by Cerveceria Malteria Quilmes SAICAY (InBev)
Style: Pale Lager
Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

day 9 and 10 a 028South America’s most popular beer Quilmes Export Beer is brewed in Buenos Aires and is the sponsor of Argentina’s National Football team!

Cervecería y maltería Quilmes is an Argentine Brewery founded in 1888 in Quilmes, Buenos Aires Province, by German immigrant Otto Bemberg.
The company quickly started growing and in the 1920s it was already the most popular beer in Buenos Aires. Since then, it has become something of an Argentine cultural symbol, accounting for around 75% of all beer sales in Argentina. It sponsors the Argentina national football team, and the colours of its labels are Argentina’s light blue and white.

Quilmes is a 4.9% classic lager style beer with a very distinguishable taste: golden colour, rich texture, refreshing light hoppy taste with a crisp, dry thirst quenching finish.

Quilmes has a 46% share of its home market and this Argentinian icon is enjoying an international reputation with export growth in the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe.

Review: Bottle of Quilmes Pale Lager, 4.9%ABV

Quilmes, which comes in a lovely bottle, is another first timer for me, beer from Argentina. Would have noticed this beer name from football as it has sponsored both the great Boca Juniors and the Argentine National Football Team. Now that’s serious branding in football!

Quilmes has a nice crystal clear yellow colour with a thin head and little lacing.

day 4 029Aroma was of a sweet malty smell with some grain in the background. Very sweet.

Taste for me was interesting as I found it hard to figure it out at the start. There’s a little corn and grain sweetness to open it up, a kind of sickly sweet. It does eventually settle down into a nice decent drink and does the job in quenching the thirst. There is a bitter aftertaste which grows on you. It certainly is a very drinkable beer, light and good for a session.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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