Polar beer from Venezuela. The perfect vacation beer

Polar Beer from Venezuela

Polar Pilsener Type Beer – Cerveza Polar


Brewed by Empresas Polar
Style: Pale Lager
Caracas, Venezuela

Don’t know a whole lot about Venezuela to be honest, Hugo Chavez and his social revolution and that they tend to win a lot of world beauty pageants (6 Miss World, 7 Miss Universe, 7 Miss International and 2 Miss Earth titles: Thanks Wiki!).Polar beer from Venezuela. The perfect vacation beer

So it was great to come across a Venezuelan beer at the local offy, called Polar with a very distinctive logo of a Polar beer,  go figure!

Polar is Venezuela’s most popular brand made by Empresas Polar, the largest brewery in the country, founded in Caracas by Lorenzo Alejandro Mendoza Fleury, Rafael Lujan and Karl Eggers in 1941. Since then they have diversified into all kinds of industries, mainly in the food and drinks industry. The brewery produces other beers but Polar is by far the most popular, and can be purchased in America (if you search hard enough for it), but mainly on the holidays islands of Aruba and in and around Venezuela.

So they have the most beautiful women on the planet I wonder what kind of beer they have…..

Review: Bottle of Cerveza Polar: ABV:5.00% 

The Polar Pilsner from Venezuela, the vacation beer perfect for the beach and served ice cold.

Polar beer from Venezuela. The perfect vacation beerThe appearance wasn’t too bad, looked good.  On pour, a nice white head developed which quickly dissipated. The beer was a pale, yellow colour, and with some thin lacing

I found the aroma was pretty strong, a very acute smell, very sweet, of malts, grain, very citrusy. I did like the smell.

Taste was interesting. I did taste what felt like some fruit, lemon and apples. This beer tasted more like a fruit juice than a beer, very sweet.

Was very easy to drink, had a good flavour and taste on all fronts, grainy and sweet malts.  Easy to drink, nice good mouthfuls, a nice feel on the tongue. Not a strong beer, and no strong aftertaste, but still pretty sessionable, with a very crisp, clean finish and smooth to drink.

Not a bad beer overall. Can imagine it must be nice sipping it ice cold on a beach near the Caribbean.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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7 thoughts on “Polar Beer from Venezuela

  1. Bill K

    Good pilsner that does go down easily in the Caribbean — had a number of them last week on Bonaire. By strange quirk, the beer there is brewed by the Florida Beer Company in Auburndale Florida (as can be made out in the picture above) and then shipped to the Caribbean. Venezuela is so goofed up that they don’t even export beer anymore.

    1. Rob Nesbit Post author

      Thanks Bill, yeah that sounds weird alright. You would imagine that with their economy going down the pan they would at least give the people good beer to drown their sorrows…..

      1. anthony paul lisanti

        Rob Nesbit(Give?) Well, I’m not socialist, but you can’t “Give” if you don’t produce any longer-
        IT was always an Auburndale Beer here in Florida.
        It was Brewed in Venezuela and imported here in Miami for a long time.
        It’s a #4 on a scale of 1-10, “10” being the Best-It’s a Adjunct Beer. Nothing to write home about. Nice Label.

        1. Rob Nesbit Post author

          Thanks Anthony for the info. Venezuela seems to be up shit creek at the moment, average beer, i guess, is the least of their worries. Hope the country stabilizes soon….

  2. Luis Marcano

    I went to the brewery in Venezuela back in the 90s….They did add “corn” and other grains to Tropicalize the flavor….not sure if those bottled in Florida will taste the same!! Government is controlling a lot of activities, including exporting. many companies fled the country and started to produce abroad…Polar produce corn flour in Texas and Colombia. I guess they are licensing that brand as well.

  3. Bob

    Polar ‘Pilsen’ used to be a reasonable beer. But they dropped the ABV from 5 to 4.5 and added more adjuncts. Now very bad indeed. Their new ‘Kolsch’ is truly disgusting.


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