Nomade The up and coming player in the Chilean beer market

Nomade Beer, An Up and Coming Player

Nomade Scotch and Blonde Ale

Brewed by Cerveza Artesanal Nomade
Style: Scotch Ale/Golden Ale/Blond Ale
Santiago, Chile

Nomade The up and coming player in the Chilean beer marketA small brewery with a big heart, exploring beer styles that are not necessarily common in South America, a Scotch ale anyone? Nevertheless, the brewery is increasing its popularity amongst the beer drinking public of Chile, and Nomade won gold, silver and bronze in various beer events in the “Beers of America Copa” in 2012.  Make no mistake about it, Nomade is an up and coming player in the Chilean beer market.

Review: Bottle of Nomade Scotch Ale, 6.7%ABV

Nomade Scotch Ale, in a Scottish style, is a very pleasant beer made with a fine selection of traditional and smoked malts.

On pouring, a dark brown color appeared with a good head that stayed well and leaving a good amount of lacing as you would expect from a good ale.

The aroma was a bit fruity and malty.

The taste was a sweet malty flavour with notes of grapes and smoked malts.A small bitter aftertaste that wasn’t overwhelming. It was interesting that it took a short while for the alcohol to kick in, which it did by the end. Found it quite a strong drink to have, and can imagine the fun to be had after a few of these tough boys!

Nomade The up and coming player in the Chilean beer marketReview: Bottle of Nomade Blonde Ale, 4.5%ABV

Next up for the Nomade range was to try one of their very tasty Blonde Ales

On pour there was quite a large head that settled very nicely with a small amount of lacing The colour was of a darkish golden tint.

The aroma was a nice faint sweetly smell of yeast and some fruit, particular orange. Was a light smell but very pleasant on the nose.

The ale had a very balanced taste that included grains, yeast, citrus and fruit flavours. Quite an interesting mix for an ale but it was damn easy to drink and overall a very enjoyable ale experience. Recommended.



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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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