Löwenbräu, an Oktoberfest Regular

Löwenbräu, an Oktoberfest Regular


Löwenbräu Original


Brewed by Löwenbräu Munich (InBev)
Style: Dortmunder/Helles
Munich, Germany

Löwenbräu, an Oktoberfest RegularLöwenbräu is a brewery in Munich owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev. Löwenbräu translates to ‘lions brew’ and is brewed according to the the Bavarian beer purity regulation of 1516.

A dry but crisp, complex and refreshing taste, the Löwenbräu is a classic natural beer (5.2% alc/vol) with a heritage dating back to 1383. Now that is some old beer history!

By 1863, Löwenbräu had become the largest brewery in Munich, producing a quarter of the city’s beer output.
Even an Allied air raid in 1945, which destroyed the brewery, couldn’t stop the brewers of Löwenbräu and, today, Löwenbräu has one of the oldest beer gardens in Munich.

Löwenbräu beer has been served at every Oktoberfest in Munich since 1810. Because only beers that are brewed in Munich are permitted to be sold at Oktoberfest, Löwenbräu is one of six breweries represented.
Two of the large tents at Oktoberfest, the Löwenbräu-Festhalle and the Schützenfestzelt, are sponsored by Löwenbräu.

Review: Can of Lowenbrau beer 5.20%ABV

Löwenbräu is brewed under the famous Bavarian Purity Laws. This should mean that this beer is full of natural flavours, crisp and clear and fully balanced with its taste, a quality assured product from Germany. A place where a well crafted beer is expected and anything less is simply not tolerated by the locals.

The appearance was of a gorgeous golden yellow colour that had a very good head and great lacing. Looked so good I couldn’t wait to begin drinking the beauty!

Löwenbräu, an Oktoberfest RegularFound a faint aroma, smelt mostly of what a normal smelling lager should be like, malty and refreshing.

Was a lovely tasting drink that had no strong flavours or bitter aftertaste to it, just an awfully good session drink.  A clean, crisp, smooth and well balanced beer, Löwenbräu was really easy to enjoy. A good pure Deutsche lager. Refreshing.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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