La Goudale Biere
Brewed by Les Brasseurs De Gayant
Style: Strong pale ale
Douai, France
Brewed in Douai, a small city in the north of France, by the Gayant Brewers.
La Goudale, a blonde beer, is made with a recipe dating back to the middle ages, and also uses specially flavored hops carefully chosen from Flanders, has been brewed since 1994.
The Goudale got its name from the 14th century, where all good beers were called “Goudale” (Good Ale).
The brewery have many brands such as Amadeus, Tequieros, La bière du Démon, St Landelin but their main product is La Goudale.
La Goudale is sold widely in supermarkets in the North of France and has won numerous awards down through the years, most notably gold at the World Beer Challenge in Portugal, 2014.
Review: 50cl Can of La Goudale Biere: ABV: 7.2%
Coming in a very interesting shiny can that had a lot of distinctive black lettering. Stands out, even if its not obvious what exactly it all means!
On appearance got a hazy amber orange colour that produced a pretty large frothy white head, which does die over time but maintains overall, albeit small. Some lacing. Nothing special to look at.
Smells of caramel and the usual blond aroma of yeasts, sweet malts, grains and with a bit of citrus, nothing special.
No hanging around with this beer, on initial taste you can immediately get the alcohol, straight in with an aggressive taste………lots of yeast and citrus lightning up the taste-buds!
But no real discernible after taste. All in the front taste.
Not nice, too harsh on the palate. Very bitter. Fuck me, its hard. Disgusting even!
Second can much more manageable. Deep tasting hops. Sweet Malts.
Tastes much better. A slow burner.
Creamy bodied.
In the end I kind of liked it, don’t know if it was the alcohol kicking in and the initial shock with the first can but it was ok, albeit the second can, similar to a Belgian strong pale ale.
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