Jelen Svetlo Pivo
Brewed by Apatinska Pivara A.D.
Style: Euro Pale Lager
Apatin, Serbia
Jelen Pivo is the major lager brand in Serbia. It has been brewed in Serbia’s leading brewery, Apatinska Pivara, for over two and a half centuries now in the small town of Apatin, located on the Danube, in a very fertile area called Vojvodina, where the quality of the barley is known to be one of the best in the region.
Review: Can of Jelen Svetlo Pivo: ABV: : 5%
My introduction to Serbian lager
On pour we get a lovely clear golden colour, with a nice frothy white head forming, bubbling along, good retention.
Some great carbonation and a decent head, this really is a good looking beer
Some lacing. Excellent on view…..
Smell was very slight, couldn’t really tell you much about it as it was so faint, nothing!…….
Taste: Don’t believe it, absolutely NO TASTE!! No bitterness, no taste of the malts or hops, nothing. Quite amazing really. Very watery with no character
Its definitely smooth and light, but has a very flat taste. Just bang, nothing. What a poor excuse for a beer. Basically mineral water with minute traces of alcohol, I guess!
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