Ichnusa Non Filtrata

Ichnusa Non Filtrata

Ichnusa Non Filtrata (Non Filtered)


Brewed by Ichnusa (Heineken Italia)
Style: Unfiltered Lager
Sardinia, Italy

Ichnusa Non FiltrataFounded in 1912, by Amsicora Capra, Birra Ichnusa is brewed in Assemini, a town near Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, the beautiful mediterranean Italian island. It is named after the Latinized ancient name for Sardinia, Hyknusa.

Now owned by Heineken International. So much for all the waffle on their website then about the soul of Sardinia and all that!

The brewery produce mostly lagers, strong and light, filtered and unfiltered, to an ever widening market. 

Review: 33cl small, tinty brown bottle of Ichnusa Non Filtrata: 5.0% vol.

Ichnusa Non Filtrata. which, as can easily be guessed from the name, is not filtered during the production process.

Nice tinty looking brown bottle, with a cool looking label, showing the flag of Calgilari, a pretty nice flag it has to be said. “1912” highlighted showing the date the brewery was first launched. 

Ichnusa Non FiltrataNot much comes out of the small bottle for sure, the carbonation making the beer appear alive, buzzing around like mad.

As it is unfiltered, it is cloudy looking and there is some sediment floating around too. 

A fluffy white head, and a golden cloudy looking beer on appearance. Looks all a bit shit to be honest. Not a looker.

The smell is one of pure lager, very malty, grainy, a lot of corn, and slight hint of the hops. 

Ok aroma but a little dull all the same.

Not getting a whole lot in these nice but generally impractical bottles. I want to drink beer and lots of it, not a wee glass of piddle????

The overall taste that I am finding is one of the barley malt and the corn, it runs through this beer, hitting the taste buds knocking them right out, making the beer very hard to enjoy, very hard to drink really.

Ichnusa Non FiltrataUrgh, far too much with the hoppy aftertaste. Unfiltered, yes I know.

Taste is a bit urgh, too bitter and the taste is far to intense for me to sit down and appreciate. Very grainy and malty, and the sweet corns all too much for this palate.

Overall this is a shite beer, not nice at all, leaves a bad bitter taste in the mouth, waste of time from the small bottle to the beer itself. In retrospect I guess having the small bottles is a good idea, in that there is so little of this shit to drink! I guess strong unfiltered beer from Sardinia is not my thing.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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4 thoughts on “Ichnusa Non Filtrata

  1. Paddy

    I first tasted this on draft while on holiday in Sardinia and thought it was a lovely beer. I then bought a few bottles expecting good things, but no, there was no comparison. The bottled stuff was nowhere near as good as the draught.

  2. China White

    The bottle I’m currently drinking makes no mention of corn/mais in the ingredienti. Go figure

    1. Rob Nesbit Post author

      Hi China White
      Corn is usually a by product of the mashing and fermentation process…… not an ingredient per say – but as a result of the brewing process


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