Feldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise

Feldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise




Feldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise Feldschlösschen Stark

Brewed by Feldschlösschen (Carlsberg)
Style: Strong Pale Lager/Imperial Pils
Rheinfelden, Switzerland




Feldschlösschen OriginalFeldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise

Brewed by Feldschlösschen (Carlsberg)
Style: Pale Lager
Rheinfelden, Switzerland

Feldschlösschen is the best known beer brand in Switzerland.

It has been brewed at the Feldschlösschen brewery in Rheinfelden, the biggest brewery in Switzerland, since its foundation in 1876 and has been the leading Swiss beer brand for more than 100 years. Today its by far the leading brand in the country with 45 per cent of the beer market.

The brewery logo is in the shape of a castle and Feldschlösschen means ‘small castle in the fields’ in German.

Review: Bottle of Feldschlösschen Original Pale Lager, 4.80%ABV

One doesn’t generally associate beer with the Swiss, chocolate and cooking clocks yes, but good beer? Feldschlösschen is a beer that can take on the big guns of Germany, Britain and the rest in Europe and hold its head up high. It’s a bloody good beer, with a nice taste and easy to drink.

Feldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise Loved the appearance of a pure clear yellow colour, bright and clean with a good big frothy head on top that stays with some lacing. Looks refreshing and tantalisingly good, saying “drink me, please!”. Yeah that’s a cheesy line, Swiss style! A decent beer though.

The aroma is light and malty, on the grainy side but with a little sweetness.

Taste: What a light lager should be like; a nice crisp and smooth refreshing drink. Grain dominates the taste with very little bitterness. Not complex, well balanced, and very easy to drink. Could drink these all day long, perfect for a light session with friends.

Feldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise Review: Can of Feldschlösschen Stark Strong Pale Lager 7%ABV

Can comes in a very shiny greyish colour that also highlights that this lager is 7% ABV. in case you were in any doubt.

Pours a clear dark golden colour with a fair white head that settles quick, no real lacing shown.

Feldschlösschen, Swiss Brewing Expertise A faint aroma of malt, bread, and mild sweetness.

The taste is the strong point of this beer. Very sweet, very smooth, very drinkable at 7% it is a strong lager and tastes like it too. The flavour is malt, bread and a mild hoppy bitterness which lingers well. This is a beer that is good for a session. Strong, goes down well and does the job.


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