Excelsior Lager

Excelsior Lager

Excelsior Lager


Brewed by Champigneulles (TCB Beverages)
Style: Pale Lager
Meurthe-et-Moselle France

Excelsior LagerNot much info on this beer online, needless to say that’s the way they like it in cheap discount beer land, just buy the fucker and dont worry about it. 

Brewed for the supermarket chain Lidl, and sold at a relatively cheap price. This is bargain basement beer!

Yet the name “Excelsior“ is Latin for “ever upward” and represents superior quality and of excellence! 

Review: 500ml blue can of Excelsior Lager: 4.0% vol.

Can find it with 4.1% to 3.9 % in strength, depending on the region. 

Coming in a pretty cool looking logo of a Knight’s sword, in a nice blue can. 

Excelsior LagerAroma is pretty shit, in fact it smells a bit like shit, had the aroma of a fart! Lagery smell, and very metallic on the nose. Not great!

Looks good on pour, a nice frothy white head, nice and creamy, and a golden coloured beer on show. Not bad. Head maintains well, and some good lacing apparent. 

Get a lot in the can.

Bit of an off taste found initially, not great at all……….

Overall, it is a bit tasteless, and any taste you do get is bittersweet and lacking in flavouring.

Second can, it improved a little, and was slightly easier to drink, a bit smoother and nicer on the old stomach, but still lacking any real depth to the beer. Malty and a little hoppy, but overall not a nice beer at all. Very forgetful and not worth trying again, cheap as it is and all………..

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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