Dr. Brauwolf
Brewed by Dr. Brauwolf
Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Brauwolf is a Swiss version of Breaking Bad, but instead of Walter White step forward Stefan Wolf, the owner and visionary behind Dr. Brauwolf. In the place of crystal meth we have beer. Dr. Brauwolf is where beer meets science!
The brewery is still very new in the market, just opening in August 2017. They make 5 different beers and a monthly beer that changes every 30 days or so. All beers produced are the hard work of Lidka and Stefan, two young scientists, who bring a systematic and methodical view to the world of craft beer, with just a dash of fun as well to spice things up (no doubt!).
Their tasting room (“The super lab!”) is open to all, and the couple are more than happy to invite people to their public tastings and brewery tours where you can have the chance to meet the brewers and to visit the company. But remember all you have to do is respect their chemistry! (cough!)
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Rye IPA: 6.1% ABV
Dr. Brauwolf ‘s “craft beer of the month” so this is a beer I am looking forward to so.
Also on the label we are told that this is “where beer meets science”
It looks absolutely fantastic, a great white fluffy head, with a lovely colour of amber orange.
There is some slight lacing, and the head maintains well. There is some small amount of sediment buzzing around inside, showing that this beer is alive!
It is truly an excellent looking beer, one of the best lookers I have had in a long time.
For the aroma, the smell is very good, a typical IPA smell, very fruity, and very hoppy. Not bad.
On the taste it was very fruity, bit like a Club Orange with a load of hops in it, which sounds strange but that’s what it felt like to me. And everyone loves Club Orange!
Was hoppy, got the sweet rye and barely, I got a bit of caramel (possibly from the Rye). Smooth enough to enjoy and very fruity, really like this beer a lot.
Hoppy, but light enough to enjoy for me who is someone who sometimes struggles with IPA’s, it was a beer that I drank over the hour, a beer to sit down, slowly sip and enjoy the football, perfect!
Would love to drink some more of this beer, will definitely have to check it out again. Recommended.
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Boho, a Czech style Pilsner: 5.2% ABV
Dr Brauwolf, Boho, a fresh local craft beer from Zurich, concentrating on the Bohemian Pilsner beer style.
On pour, got a nice whitish head, light clear golden coloured beer, the nice Pilsner look that we all love so well.
Head is fine, smallish but maintains well.
Oh boy, the smell is strong and typical of a Pilsner. Malty and spicy, perfume aroma as well. Nice.
Went on a bit of a journey with this beer. To be honest wasn’t liking it initially, thought it was far too hoppy and bitter on the taste, a bit too sour and bitter at the front.
But after a while when I started to drink more of it, it settled down, or rather I did, and I started to enjoy the tastes. By the end I wished I had another few to skull down!
Definitely a very tasty brew, complex, the Saaz hops doing the business by the end. Got the spices and malts as well.
A hoppy, strong pilsner.
Ok, enjoyable enough. Yeah not bad.
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s H2OP, a non alcoholic Hop water: 0.0% ABV
This one stands out from the collection as it comes in a green bottle and its actually water! But it isn’t just any old water, it is water with hops!
On the pour was a bit surprised as it was very fizzy, bubbling all over the place, was not exactly expecting that.
Looks ok, a well carbonated mineral water, nice and sparkling.
Has a smell of hops, easy to find, and generally a pleasant smell.
Get a hoppy taste. Has a slight citrus taste as well.
Pure clean Swiss water with a hint of hops. Nice and refreshing. Better than tap water for sure!
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Red Ale: 4.8% ABV
A lot of carbonation, very lively on the pour. This resulted in a very frothy head. The colour was dark red. All looking great. Head settled well after a while.
A nice aroma of toasted malts was very prominent.
Taste was light, a little sweet, with a nice caramel flavour.
Soft on the tongue, very smooth and very easy to drink. Fruits at the back ground, the malts lingering, and the beer is perfectly balanced.
Overall its a nice red ale, nothing that is going to amaze but good enough to enjoy while the TV is on the box. Not bad.
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Chocolate Stout: 7.4% ABV
A previous “craft beer of the month” choice from the Brauwolf boys.
On pour, I get a lot of carbonation, a lot! When it all eventually settled it results in a very big frothy tanned head. The colour is pitch black. All in all its a nice looking beer, very nice appearance.
Smell is very chocolaty, very nice on the nose. Get the chocolate malts, the cocoa and the barely. A nice aroma.
On the taste I found it a little too sweet for me to be fully enjoyable. The chocolate was very strong in the taste and the hops were also quite difficult.
The malts, barely, and other flavours and tastes don’t really have a chance to shine as the coconut chocolate takes over from start to finish.
If you like your chocolate heavy on then this is the beer for you, but I am not a chocolaty person so……..
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Witbier, a Belgian style wit beer: 4.6% ABV
A fresh local craft beer coming all the way from the wonderful city of Zurich.
Remember a Witbier (white beer in Flemish) is wheaty, fruity, and spicy, and usually very smooth.
Decent enough white frothy head on the pour, a nice pale golden colour, looks ok, a typical Witbeer look. Head maintains very well. Not a bad looker.
Nice sweet smell, very nice. Can smell the yeast and all that wheat, pleasant on the nose.
Very fruity on taste, as to be expected got the orange peels straight away, very nice to taste, refreshing actually.
Also got the coriander easy enough to taste and also quite nice in the mouth.
Yeah I liked this beer, was very easy to drink, very smooth, crisp tastes from the wheat, nice and fresh and very relaxing to drink. Nice one to experience on a beautiful hot summer’s day.
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s APA, an American Pale Ale: 5.3% ABV
On pour I get a nice white frothy head and a dark golden orange colour. Looks good, very appealing. Some lacing.
The aroma is malty and very hoppy. Bit strong on the nose, very pronounced with the hops.
Taste is hoppy, especially at the start, but its all slight and not over bearing.
It is light bitterness and light maltiness, its a light drinking beer, easy to drink and smooth.
Didn’t get many flavours or any fruit tastes, and overall it is the aroma that stands out in this brew. Too light in the taste for me.
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Vanilla Cream Ale: 5.0% ABV
Another “craft beer of the month” special here.
The appearance is not the best, truth be told it is not much to look at, and the head dies a death. Hazy amber colour. Some sediment Knocking around.
Wow, what a fantastic smell. Wow, the vanilla is very prominent on the nose. Also smells like a nice perfume as well. Lovely smell, nice.
On the taste, got the vanilla ice cream, very overpowering but all good. It is so nice to taste I ran to the wife to get her to try, and she doesn’t even like beer! Just showing how exciting and fun this beer is. It really is a light vanilla ice cream, very soft on the tongue mixed with some malts and wheat to give you a fantastic beer. Don’t know if I would drink a lot of these beers but the brewer gets the balance just perfect.
What it lacks in looks, the taste and aroma certainly makes up for that. Lovely, very exciting beer. Recommended. A FUN beer!
Review: 33cl Bottle of Dr. Brauwolf’s Black IPA: 6.0% ABV
A black IPA? Because it is black is it a porter or a stout, but how does that work in an IPA? So lets see…..a black IPA is a relatively new style originating from the US, basically it is a hop forward beer that happens to be as black as any stout! Can sometimes be classed as a Cascadian Dark Ale, a nod to where it originally came from, the Cascadia region of north-west USA and parts of British Columbia in Canada, and an Indian Black Ale, but overall it is termed a Black IPA.
Looks nice enough on the appearance, got a lovely creamy white head and a dark black coloured beer. Some good lacing. Not a bad looking beer.
Get a stouty smell, coffee aromas and toasted malts. Smells like a regular IPA too.
Nice mouthfuls from the beginning. There is a slight “Guinness taste” there alright. But its not quite a full stout, and that’s why it is an IPA, even if it is full of the dark roasted malts and coffee flavours that you can expect from a regular stout but there is something else there.
It is not that bad, smooth and enjoyable enough all the same.
The hops have a bit of a kick, a bit bitter and sweet, but its slight and manageable, a nod to the fact it is an IPA after all.
Overall it aint a bad beer, certainly worth a tryout and it just about strong enough and tasty enough to be enjoyable.
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