Corona, the laid back Mexican beer

Corona, the laid back Mexican beer


Brewed by Grupo Modelo (Corona)
Style: Pale Lager
México DF

Corona Extra is a pale lager that has been brewed and bottled in Mexico by Grupo Modelo since 1926. Grupo Modelo is Mexico’s largest brewer and is currently exporting Corona to more than 150 countries worldwide. Corona is one of the top-selling beers worldwide.

Although widely consumed year round, Corona is generally viewed as a summertime beverage. It is a brand that has a laid back image and is strongly associated with fun in the sun. Corona’s smooth taste is perfect for a long hot summers evening.

Outside of Mexico, Corona is commonly served with a wedge of lime or lemon in the neck of the bottle to add flavor.

Review: Bottle of Corona Extra lager, 4.6%ABV

The appearance has a clear pale straw yellow body. After pouring a small white head appears that dissipates very quickly. Not much lacing.

It has a mild, clean, subtle lager aroma, that smells of light, sweet cornbread

Corona’s very light in taste, mild, clean with no bitterness and has a rather thin tasting watery feel. It’s flavour is minimal, but on a hot day it quenches the thirst.

Corona, the laid back Mexican beer


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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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