Club Colombia, a Bogota Special


Club Colombia

Brewed by Grupo Empresarial Bavaria (SABMiller)
Style: Pale Lager
Bogota, Colombia

An extra-dry, carefully crafted pilsner lager, Club Colombia, is Colombia’s leading premium brand on the market, with an alcohol content of 4.7% by volume.

Bavaria Brewery is a Colombian brewery company created on April 4, 1889 by Leo S. Kopp, a German immigrant. It is a subsidiary of SABMiller. Bavaria is one of the largest brewery’s in South America.

Club Colombia, has won the Gold Medal of Belgium’s Monde Selection a couple of times, one of the most important food and beverage certification institutions in the world, highlighting the special qualities that make Club Colombia an indisputable showcase of Colombian brewing mastery and quality.

day 3 a 001Review: Bottle of Club Colombia pale lager, 4.7% ABV

I have to say was very pleasantly surprised with this lager. Wasn’t expecting a whole lot from a Colombian beer, but it was a lovely tasting beer with a nice looking body that was enjoyable to drink.

The beer pours a lovely clear gold body, with a decent frothy head that lasts. There was little lacing.

The smell is not strong or unpleasant, a little sweet and corn like.

The taste was of sweet toasted malts with no real aftertaste. A light tasting beer that did the business on a hot day. Recommended.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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