Bura Brew Optimist Golding Ale
Brewed by BURA BREW D.O.O
Style: Golden Ale/Blond Ale
Ul. Mate Vlašića 26/19, 52440, Poreč, Croatia
Founded in 2015 by a trio of friends, Alessandro Zecchinato, Veronika Becker and Claudio Rossi, Bura Brew is an independent craft brewery hailing from the small Istrian town of Poreč, a popular summer resort on the coast of the Istrian Peninsula in western Croatia.
It was when Italian born Alessandro Zecchinato lived and worked in Dublin, Ireland that he got a love of the craft beer movement and seeing the potential of the market decided to try and bring some craft beer innovation to Croatia. But why Croatia? Well, he also met Veronika Becker in Ireland, fell in love and married her! Veronika was born in the former Yugoslavia, can speak Croatian, and so had experience of the region. With Claudio, a close friend, they all studied the industry inside and out and received a lot of useful information from Irish and Italian breweries, both big and small, and so in March 2015 they founded Bura Brew d.o.o.
The location of Poreč was chosen, a beautiful town that attracts a lot of tourists and business, and so great potential for a new beer on the scene. The brewery relies on manual labour and hand made products and has an open relationship with the locality, offering free tours and free tasting sessions.
They produce three types of beers: An Optimist Golding Ale, A Redsand Amber Ale, and a Tornado IPA. The three beers are unfiltered and unpasteurized nor processed in any way using only the best of natural ingredients. To preserve a natural carbonation, the beers are bottle fermented.
Although its still a very new brewery the beer is popular all across Croatia and must be so in parts of Europe as I got my bottles here in Basel, Switzerland! Not bad for a young beer.
Review: 33l Bottle of Bura Brew Golding Ale: 5.0% ABV
A golden ale that is unfiltered and bottle-conditioned. With a nice looking logo on the bottle, looks like an Inca design not sure of its relevance to Croatia.
On pour I get a beautiful golden colour with a decent sized creamy white head. it looks great, a good looking beer, beautiful.
Head maintains and all is well with the appearance.
For the aroma I get a lot of fruits on the nose, very nice, some malts as well. A really nice smell.
On the taste, it hits you from the start, the hops. Manageable hops, a light bitterness, not too strong making the beer not bad to sip on and slowly enjoy.
Not a whole lot of hops in the back end of the beer, more in the front.
Had good tasty mouthfuls that were very enjoyable
A light tasting golden ale, easy to drink and about as much as can be expected from this kind of beer. Nice and smooth, and a very clean ale..
Did the job, went down well and I only wish I had more to finish off. That really is the best compliment a beer can have, too few to drink!!!