
Abbaye de ourkerkenAppowila Highland Games and the Orthodox CeltsSt Mel's Brewery, LongfordCider - A Beginners GuideBlack outs. Time travel for drunks…….Bad Manners under the bridge, LondonMongolia and Irish barsBray, Bray Wanderers, Na Fánaithe, League of Ireland Premier Division, PorterhouseFußball-Club St. Pauli, Astra Bier, Reeperbahn, St Pauli, Hamburg, Bundesliga, soccer, football, The Jolly Roger,,DropKick Murphys Celtic Punk Invasion Tour, zurichSleaford Mods and a Drugs Tour of Amsterdam"Fuck community college, lets get drunk and drive to Tibet". Part 2

Drink up

Drink Up with ThisDrinkingLife.com

Welcome to ThisDrinkingLife.com, your go-to destination for everything related to drinking and beer. At ThisDrinkingLife.com, we dive into the world of alcohol with a blend of humor, insight, and a touch of irreverence. If you love to drink and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of pubs, you’re in the right place.

Why ThisDrinkingLife.com Celebrates the Art of Drinking

I’m starting ThisDrinkingLife.com because drinking is more than just a pastime for me—it’s a passion. Here at ThisDrinkingLife.com, we celebrate not only the alcohol itself but also the atmosphere in pubs, the camaraderie among fellow drinkers, and the unique stories that come from these experiences. There’s something special about sitting down with a pint and engaging in lively conversation, building connections with people you might never have met otherwise.

The Best Stories and Insights from ThisDrinkingLife.com

I love the taste of alcohol and the effects it has on social interactions. It’s a fantastic way to break the ice, share laughs, and create memorable moments. Over time, you accumulate a repertoire of stories that non-drinkers often miss out on. In my humble opinion, people who don’t drink can sometimes seem like the biggest fecking bores on the planet. They often lack the ability to mix it up, have engaging conversations, or share interesting stories, which can make them a bit dull in my view. And those who criticize drinkers—saying things like “Oh, I don’t need alcohol to have a good time”—can come off as self-righteous. Their stories often revolve around mundane topics like babies or work, which just doesn’t compare to the vibrant tales from the drinking world.

Explore Football, Music, and More at ThisDrinkingLife.com

Anyway, let the games begin! At ThisDrinkingLife.com, we’ll dive into topics like football, music, travel, opinions, and, of course, beer—lots of it. Whether you’re a casual drinker or a dedicated enthusiast, there’s something here for you.

we like to break rules! Thisdrinkinglife.com

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.