Kirin Ichiban, Beer at its Purest

Kirin Ichiban, Beer at its Purest

Kirin Ichiban

Brewed by Kirin Brewery Company
Style: Pale Lager
Tokyo, Japan

Kirin Ichiban, Beer at its Purest “Ichiban” means Number One, and is brewed by the Kirin Brewery Company in Tokyo, Japan.
Kirin sells two of the most popular beers in Japan: Kirin Lager, the country’s oldest beer brand; and Ichiban Shibori.

Since its introduction in 1990, Kirin Ichiban has become one of Japan’s most acclaimed and best selling beers, and a favorite of beer lovers across North America and Europe

Kirin Ichiban is considered one of the purest beers in the world. This is made with a single wort (or first press) brewing process which extracts only the purest, most flavorful portion of the finest ingredients. When combined with its new all malt formula, the result is a distinctively smooth, clean, and full-bodied beer—yet with none of the bitter aftertaste one would expect from a beer with this much flavor.

Review: Can of Kirin Ichiban Pale Lager, 5%ABV

Kirin Ichiban, my first time having a Japanese beer, was impressive on its first showing. In general it was pretty nice and quite drinkable

On pouring, the appearance was of a pale yellow colour with a very big creamy head that lingers for some time, and leaves a bit of lacing on the glass. Had a nice look to it.

Kirin Ichiban, Beer at its Purest Aroma: A pleasant sweet smell of a light grain and malt aroma.

A nice light beer to drink and went down easy enough. The taste had some initial sweetness followed by a very enjoyable bitter aftertaste of hops, kind of creamy. Tastes of hay, wheat, and light floral hops. A good clean, crisp beer, smooth, I liked it. Recommended for someone who is looking for a nice light beer to relax with.

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Beer drinker and all round annoyance. Likes drinking, football, cricket and having a good time.

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